How is it Monday already?
Posted by Somnium Exertus | Posted in art , cold , mustache , sleep | Posted on 09:17
Bedhead. I has it. |
Really good sleep! As in I woke up not hearing the alarm, and based on how rested I felt I was sure I overslept. Turns out it was 10 minutes before my alarm! Sleep is awesome...
Last night I got into a little trance that I liked quite a bit. Chamomile and spearmint tea at 10, listening to "Arab Chillout Mix #1", armed with implements of destruction of the artistic variety. So calm. So very, very calm. There I sat, happily painting away for a while, no other thoughts on my mind, just the art. If this could be achieved every night I will be a happy guy.
This is what Jethro's desktop looks like. Don't judge him. |
One thing I noticed this morning is that besides the bedhead, I had some other stuff sticking up. THE MUSTACHE, YOU PERVS! The new wax definitely has more hold as I literally haven't touched it yet today and it's looking pretty good for a Monday morning. Sure I'll need to dab on some wax after the shower, but only the tiniest bits to round up the strays.
Today is frickin cold! Definitely a "snot freezes in your nose before your first footstep" day. In fact, my brain hurts from the cold. I still have to venture outside again and I'm already planning my route so that I can hit up a Tim Horton's along the way for some hot chocolate! Now that I've made myself a double extra long espresso (I want warmth more than caffeine!) I can think clearer and can probably talk myself out of leaving the building again until tomorrow. Temperature, windchill and the wind.
MON 08:00 | -21 | -33 | W26 |
Song of the day: Beats Antique - Oriental Uno
Page of the day: Darwin at work... Thanks Ken!
Pocket change: $0.00
I feel like this is yet another reason to come to Toronto. It was indecently warm in comparison racking in at a mild -8 with a low of -12 plus moderate windchill.