Posted by Somnium Exertus | Posted in brie , crazy , food | Posted on 18:40
So I discovered today that with my new stiffer wax I can make my mustache transform into two! Normally those smaller sections on top just fall in line with the rest of the stache, but for some reason they always have liked to stay together. Kinda amusing since I gave a presentation on parallel lines in geometry class today...
What a crazy day it's been! Besides the geometry presentation, there was also some more antics in my other math class, followed by a history lecture that seemed more like a Civilization game with commentary from my prof. Days like this kinda mess with the head. I'll get back to you on whether it's a good or bad kind of messing. That's the reason for the title, Prisencolinensinainciusol! It's a crazy song that's normal sounding, until you try to sing along... check out the link!
Speaking of crazy music, guess who's going to see Skratch Bastid tonight? That's right, MEEEEEEEEE! It's gonna be pretty sick, beatboxing and scratching... *drools*
One thing I want to try is to actually cook with some brie cheese. The other day a friend mentioned it, and I came to the realization that in order to cook with it, I'll need a long pole. Reason? If I get between the stove and the fridge, the brie will not make it past me. I simply love to eat it as-is. Delayed gratification totally fails to impress upon me at that moment. Maybe I could get away with camembert...
My random fact for the day is that by using my scale, I found out that my pants and boxers for the day weighed 2.4lbs.
Song of the day: Skratch Bastid, Scratch, DJ Starting From Scratch - 'Screamin Jay Hawkins'
Page of the day: A detailed legal arguement showing how driving is a Right in Canada, not a Privilege
Pocket change: $0.00
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